- It's an interesting take on the American Dream. The American Dream is the concept of using your skills to get to the top and get rich. What if your talent is the power you have over men? The film portrays this out right, and surprisingly doesn't really show too many negative consequences that arise through doing this.
- Anytime that she says "why don't we just talk this over?" she is going to use sex to get something that she wants.
- First she sleeps with the guard on the train to secure free passage. Then she sleeps with the human resources rep to get a job. She then goes on to sleep with numerous bosses in order to gain promotions through the company. She works her way up from filing, to mortgage, to accounting, and finally into the president's office. In total she sleeps with seven men throughout the course of the film.
- Despite her heavy reliance on sex to get ahead, she seems to actually be good at her various jobs. I think this is key to her success. If she wasn't a good secretary or what have you, she would never have been able to work her way up the chain using sex alone. She is a strong, competent female despite her obvious moral shortcomings.
- I know that we haven't yet gotten in noir, but Lily is a bit of a femme fatale. She is an extremely alluring female, who causes the demise of two men, and the near demise of a third when they get caught up in her web. She uses her powers to hypnotize her victims and convince them to spend large sums of money or her. When she gets what she wants, she is done, no matter how the male may feel about her.
Jack, I like that idea that she's a proto-noir femme fatale as well as the rest of your comments. Her ability to cut off her victims once she gets what she wants certainly rings true to film noir.